Ghanaian startup Orado launches on-demand, on-site massage service


Ghanaian startup Orado has launched a platform that offers on-demand, on-site massages to corporate professionals, helping them increase productivity.

Founded in June, Orado partners with licensed massage therapists and service providers to offer on-demand massage services, and also operates a chain of massage studios for walk-in clients.

“We bring all our equipment to your office, and all you need to do is sit in our chair and enjoy your massage. After just 10 or 20 minutes, you and your employees will feel more relaxed and refreshed, ready to continue with your day,” said CEO Bernice Okyere Baidoo.

“Regular massage is proven to reduce stress, improve productivity, and even improve problems with chronic pain. But, if you’re working full-time, you may not have the time or the budget to get one on a regular basis. That’s where we come in. You are able to have traditional massage in an office-appropriate, customised on-site massage therapy programme that saves time, money, and backs.”

Self-funded so far, Baidoo said Orado is seeing steady uptake as people embrace massage therapy. It is popular with therapists also, who are provided with new ways of marketing their services. The startup monetises through subscriptions.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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